How a mom’s frantic calls to her son saved 25 lives | Economic Times - Jobs World

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Saturday, February 13, 2021

How a mom’s frantic calls to her son saved 25 lives | Economic Times

DEHRADUN: Vipul Kaireni, a 27-year-old heavy motor vehicle driver who worked at the NTPC hydropower project in Tapovan, didn’t pay attention to his mother’s frantic calls, begging him to move away from the barrage, on Sunday morning.However, Mangshri Devi kept calling until she reached her son to say that she had seen a swollen Dhauliganga headed his way. “Our village is situated at a height. My mother was working outside when the flash flood descended. Had it not been for her warning, I and around two dozen of my colleagues would be dead by now,” Kaireni said.He said they rushed and took shelter on a dilapidated staircase. Kaireni, who got married two months ago, has been working at the barrage since he was seven years old.Around 9am on Sunday, he left his village, Dhaak, in Tapovan, for the now sludge-filled project site. “On a regular day we get paid Rs 600, but earn double that amount on Sundays. I had gone to work last Sunday to earn some extra money,” he said. At 10.35am, his mother made a phone call, asking him to run.80905476“At first, I only heard her shouting and didn’t take it seriously. I asked her to stop joking, saying mountains don’t just burst. She called me again and pleaded with me to move. My mother and wife Anita had seen the water rise 15m over its normal height and engulf everything in its wake. We all ran towards the staircase and it saved our lives,” Kaireni said.Sandeep Lal from Dhaak, who was also saved by Devi’s call, recounted the frantic couple of minutes. “I was inside, fixing a fault in an electricity line. When Vipul called, I ran, or rather flew outside. I owe my life to Vipul’s mother and have learnt never to ignore a parent’s warning,” said Lal, an electrician. Over 100 friends of Sandeep and Vipul are missing. 80905484“They (friends) all have been swept away. The staircase, which we used to reach to safety, was filled with muck by the time they realised the flood was coming. They couldn’t use it,” Kaireni said. Tapovan village pradhan Kishore Kaniyal lauded Devi’s presence of mind.

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