Part-Time Night Study Hall Library Coordinator - Jobs World

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Thursday, February 25, 2021

Part-Time Night Study Hall Library Coordinator

New Mexico Military Institute - Roswell, NM - New Mexico Military Institute Employment Opportunities Part-Time Night Study Hall Library Coordinator General Overview: Located in Roswell, New Mexico, the New Mexico Military Institute offers a rich history and tradition of educating tomorrow’s leaders through a program of strong, challenging academics, leadership preparation, and character development. Known as “The West Point of the West,” NMMI remains the only state-supported co-educational college preparatory high school and junior college in the United States. Serving the educational needs of an international student population, the Institute has strict admissions standards that yearly result in an enrollment of approximately 1,000 students who come from 36 states, 2 US territories (Puerto Rico and American Samoa), and 33 foreign nations. NMMI grants High School diplomas and Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees. The Institute’s emphasis on qualities of honor, integrity, and responsibility, contributes to its unique educational philosophy. Leadership training is provided to all cadets at the college level, through the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) program, and at the high school level through the Junior ROTC program. The ROTC Program offers college cadets the opportunity to receive a commission in the U.S. Army through the 2-Year Early Commissioning Program. Cadets may pursue commissions in the U.S. Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and Merchant Marines through the Service Academy Preparatory Program. NMMI graduates prove successful in every field of endeavor, business, industry, public service, education, the professions, or careers in the military. Surveys of graduating classes show consistently that 95 percent of NMMI graduates go on to complete a four-year degree at outstanding schools such as Penn State, Stanford, Rice, Cornell, University of Texas, Arizona State University, University of Colorado, and the nation’s Service Academies. As an institution of higher and secondary education, the Institute has the mission of enabling individual development through challenging academic preparation in a structured learning environment that affords extensive opportunities for leadership and character development. In support of this mission, the Institute’s treatment of all cadets places key value on trust, student knowledge, integrity, service and responsibility all within the framework of an Honor Code stating that “a cadet will not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do.” recblid 89qf56bzfem24rttu60t9s1znuq26h... - Permanent - Part-time


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