Defence Ministry acquires land in Arunachal village | Economic Times - Jobs World

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Thursday, January 28, 2021

Defence Ministry acquires land in Arunachal village | Economic Times

New Delhi: Amidst continued border tension with China, the defence ministry has moved to acquire strategic land 30 kilometres from Line of Actual Control in Arunachal Pradesh to establish military garrisons. The defence ministry has moved to acquire 14.128 acres of land in a border village in Arunachal Pradesh, about 30 kilometres from LAC. The land is located in a small village of Yorni II in West Siang district. The rural development ministry has notified defence ministry as “appropriate authority” under Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act 2013 for acquisition of land at Yorni II village, which has a population of about 150 people. This means that defence ministry has now been given authority over the land. According to sources, the move came after a letter from home ministry to acquire this land for establishing “military garrison and locating various army detachments”. The move is significant as it indicates ramping up of army presence near Sino-Indian border. As per Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act 2013, any land can be acquired for defence purposes, railways and communication without the requirements of a gram sabha meeting.The defence ministry has been gradually acquiring strategic land along the Sino-Indian border over the last few months. This also signals a change in stance of the Centre towards developing border infrastructure. Earlier, it was felt that border infrastructure, especially roads, would be used by China for an invasion. However, there has been a change in this stance with big land acquisitions especially in villages along the border. The present acquisition of 14 acres of land follows a similar move in the northeastern border state in October.

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