Bengal win will be bigger than 2017 UP win: Shah | Economic Times - Jobs World

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Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Bengal win will be bigger than 2017 UP win: Shah | Economic Times

Union home minister Amit Shah spoke on a range of issues, from the recent Maoist attack to assembly elections, Covid-19 and the Centre’s economic approach, in a detailed interview to Pranab Dhal Samanta and Bodhisatva Ganguli.How is it shaping up for BJP in West Bengal?The situation is very good. People of Bengal are ready for change. We will win more than 200 seats. It will be bigger than the 2017 Uttar Pradesh win. I have been saying since 2017 that BJP will do well in Bengal. In 2019, I said we will win 21 seats. I am quite clear that the people of West Bengal have faith in the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.Does BJP have any candidate for Bengal CM?We have not decided yet.You are campaigning on a ‘double engine’ theme in West Bengal…Since 1977, Bengal has not had the same party governing at the Centre and the state. As a result, the state GDP kept declining. Let me explain further. The Centre today transfers ₹6,000 annually to a farmer under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Yojna. I want the West Bengal farmer to also get it. Similarly, under Ayushman Bharat, for 60 crore poor people, the Centre is committed to undertake health costs up to ₹5 lakh across India. But it’s not happening in West Bengal. Also, there’s no preparation for the ‘nal se jal’ scheme. West Bengal has stopped sharing data with the National Crime Records Bureau since 2018. I believe this is wrong because these statistics help in framing strategies and identifying parameters for tackling crime, so that one can improve. We had to publish the report last year without West Bengal data. We now want a government that implements all central schemes right down to the last mile. This will make a huge difference. Let me add that the money Centre sends to Bengal is not an obligation but the right of the people of Bengal, which is being snatched from them for political purposes.How do you plan to curb Illegal immigration?The system of stopping illegal immigration from the district collector downwards must work. At present, there is rampant corruption. No political will. Look, how the situation has improved in Assam.Will this translate into electoral success for BJP?In Bengal, there’s tollbaazi, syndicate. Bengal fares poorly in all heads related to crime against women. The court has to intervene and order an audit on relief meant for Amphan victims. Political violence has crossed all limits. BJP alone has lost 130 workers since 2016. Such was the situation that the high court had to order during panchayat polls that nominations will be accepted on WhatsApp regardless of what the Act states. This is unheard of in any part of the country. So, somewhere all this stays in the minds of the people.BJP today has several people from outside in its fold…Our doors were always open to people from other parties. Earlier, no one would come. Now, they have started coming. Several leaders from other parties joined BJP and rose to the highest level. But yes, earlier, their numbers were less, now there are more such people in the party. My party has a culture, a constitution and an ideology. I have no objection to anyone who accepts these and joins us. What’s your view on inducting professionals?This time, many professionals are contesting polls. It’s not that just because there are professionals, we must bring them into politics. But if professionals are keen to join politics, then we should give them space because they are coming after making a contribution to a particular field. That is of use to the party and the government.And in Assam?There will be an NDA government under BJP with a clear majority.Any worries from the opposition alliance?Congress has made a big mistake by allying with Badruddin Ajmal. The people of Assam will not accept this alliance.What is working for you in Assam?In the past five years, Assam has experienced peace for the first time in several decades. Insurgents in large numbers have laid down their arms and joined the mainstream. Infiltration has almost stopped. Plus, development has been our government’s hallmark. Roads and bridges have been built like never before. We have launched group-specific welfare schemes, like for tea garden workers, and people are getting the benefits of a double-engine government. You initiated BJP’s expansion to the east. How does it look now?We are now an established party in the northeast. No one can ignore us. In West Bengal too, the results will be in our favour. In Odisha, we are an established party. We won 8 out of 21 seats in 2019. We have left Congress behind. Now what’s left is Andhra, Telangana and down south.What are your party’s prospects in Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Puducherry?We will make significant gains and are likely to form the government with our allies in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry. In Kerala, BJP will emerge as a third pillar and break the dominance of the LDF and UDF. People of the state are tired of them as they have failed to deliver.What’s your view on the Kerala government initiating judicial enquiry against the ED?There is strong evidence of wrongdoing and in such a situation what else can you expect from them? If you ask me, unprecedented support for BJP in the elections has baffled both the UDF and LDF. Such actions are a reflection of this.The opposition in Tamil Nadu has accused AIADMK of being the B team of BJP?In an alliance, no party is A or B team. Every party gets its share according to its ground presence and strength. In Tamil Nadu, we are contesting fewer seats while AIADMK and PMK are contesting more. The NDA government in the state has done good work and I am sure that the people of Tamil Nadu will give a befitting reply to the dynastic politics of DMK and Congress.BJP has promised 33% reservation for women in jobs in West Bengal. Do you plan to replicate this in other states?No. This is specific to Bengal, where there has been a lot of injustice to women in the past 10 years, particularly for jobs. To fill that gap we have taken a decision on 33% job reservation for women. This is only for government jobs. Women in Bengal have suffered the most under the Trinamool government. On the other hand, women have been the focus of the Modi government’s welfare schemes.Do you agree with the Haryana government’s decision to reserve 75% jobs for locals?Such reservations exist in other states. It’s there in Gujarat too.But should it be there?That’s not the question. It’s been there since the 1980s.You have said if BJP wins Bengal, it will clear CAA in its first Cabinet meeting…Wait, let me clear the confusion. I have said we will support CAA. This is a central law that the state government had opposed through a Cabinet resolution. We will reverse that.And the next step?The law has already been made. The question is of its implementation, framing of rules, etc. Obviously, at this time the priority is to fight corona.What’s your outlook on conducting the Census?The Census is dependent on corona situation. I don’t think it’s advisable in today’s situation to carry out a door-to-door survey of every household.Same holds for the National Population Register?Look, NPR is connected to the Census and that’s linked to the survey. Till there is corona, there cannot be any survey.What is your assessment on the Maoist attack?We attacked the Naxals, they have not attacked us. You must understand that the picture has changed. We now seek to dominate. In the past two years, whatever has happened, we have done. When you move forward in their areas, open roads, bring electricity, set up police stations, then it’s natural for them to resist. In fact, this operation was carried out just 3 km from the village of the Naxal leader in question.How many Maoists were killed in the encounter?The encounter lasted for four-and-a-half hours, so it’s obvious they too would have suffered heavy casualties. But it won’t be correct on my part to speculate.Was it an ambush?It was a fight with the Naxals, in which they also countered. Do you expect them to welcome you? Look, since 2014, there has been a continuous decline in the number of civilian fatalities, security personnel being killed and also affected districts. Maharashtra, barring one district, is cleared (of Naxals). Madhya Pradesh and Bihar are almost cleared. Telangana and Andhra Pradesh also almost cleared. In Jharkhand, a few districts remain. And then there are just these districts here (in Chhattisgarh) that are left.Most of these states are ruled by opposition parties. Is that a challenge?Absolutely not. Everyone is cooperating. On Monday, the Chhattisgarh CM was present with me the whole time.By when can we achieve complete domination?I cannot give a time frame but I think the fight has reached its decisive phase.Maharashtra has announced lockdown-like curbs owing to rising Covid-19 cases. Is there a chance of a nationwide lockdown?The central government, as per its guidelines, has now left it to states to decide. Every state has its own situation and must decide based on their local conditions. And within states too, at the district and tehsil levels and even in urban centres, small containment zones can be created. We have left all these to state governments.But there’s nervousness around the economic impact of these curbs?I don’t think it will make such a big impact. And even on those concerns, state governments will take decisions.Is the Centre considering lockdown?As a policy matter, we have left it on the states to decide.What’s your forecast for the economy?The last quarter was good. I am optimistic that there won’t be much of a drop even in this quarter. The vaccination numbers are also rising. So at some point, this will break the cycle (of rising cases).Is there any shortage of vaccine supply?There is not even the slightest shortage. No state has a problem and if some states want more, we are sending it to them.But some states have voiced concerns?To say something politically is one thing and for stocks to finish is quite another.The budget has received a positive response...What positive response, the entire budget was positive. Economic reforms are the hallmark of the Modi government. This budget reflects a structural shift in India’s economic policy-making.But there are concerns over fiscal deficit numbers?It’s not the fiscal deficit numbers, but the quality of fiscal deficit that matters. If deficit increases due to outflow for higher salaries, charity or populist programmes, then it’s a matter of concern. But if it rises due to investment in infrastructure, industrial development, irrigation works, then it’s productive fiscal deficit. In a country as large as ours, we should not worry about fiscal deficit statistics, but look at the quality of fiscal deficit.Are there any changes being considered in the bankruptcy code?Any law has teething problems. We must look at them and make necessary changes. Take GST, we made so many changes, some through administrative action and some by amending provisions. Today, by and large, it’s an acceptable framework.So, will there be changes?We made a committee, which has submitted its report. I cannot discuss the details. A GoM also exists on the subject. There should be flexibility to make changes in any law. The bankruptcy code was made with the objective to ensure transparency on bad loans and their recovery and to prevent corruption. For this, whatever is needed to make the code practically implementable, should be done. What is the future of Chinese investment into India? Are we discouraging it?There is no general ban. The Indian government has a policy on investment from countries with which it has land boundaries. We will work according to that policy. It’s not specific to China. We are not aiming to discourage any investment but are trying to encourage indigenous products.Will the ban on Chinese Apps be reversed?I feel that there is no such requirement now. Our own Apps have captured that space.Have the Cairns, Vodafone arbitration orders eroded India’s credibility as investment destination?Can an arbitration tribunal in Singapore strike down a law passed by Indian Parliament? That’s our only issue. This is a law point. We have just gone on appeal in a Singapore court. So, where is the question of credibility? By that logic, even they should not have approached the tribunal. They can appeal but we can’t? We have not gone outside the four corners of the dispute resolution mechanism.What about protests against the government’s privatisation proposals?We will discuss with all stakeholders.Do you see these decisions being reversed?No, I don’t see anything of the sort happening.The Centre wants to give a big push to domestic private industry. What does that mean for foreign investment?One of the main purposes of Aatmanirbhar Bharat is to support domestic private industry. Foreign investment is welcome but they will have to compete. Just like our companies will have to compete in America or Japan. We have not placed any restrictions.Would you elaborate on Aatmanirbhar Bharat?Aatmanirbhar Bharat is that whatever the daily requirements of 130 crore Indians, they must be made here.Many past governments had a similar policy of self-reliance, but which, many believe, failed…We have framed specific policies, brought schemes tailored to each sector. We are working in a way that there are no gaps in the manufacturing chain. So, production will increase and it’s happening. We are already seeing good results in the defence sector, where exports are happening for the first time.How positive are you on economic recovery following the second Covid-19 wave?I am positive. Exports are growing. GST collections are breaking records every month. Forex reserves are rising. I am of the view if there’s one economy in the world that has recorded the sharpest rise since corona, it’s ours.Are we likely to see the fall of the MVA government in Maharashtra?You need to ask this question to MVA leaders, but prima facie the MVA government has indulged in large-scale corruption and will collapse under its own weight.What do you make of peace overtures from Pakistan?We are for peaceful and cordial relations with all countries. So we welcome anyone who wants to talk peace.How do you see the situation in Jammu & Kashmir?It’s very good. Many things have been streamlined, elections have happened, district and tehsil panchayats have been formed. The work of the delimitation commission is underway and naturally after that, we can hold elections.Do you plan to call an inter-state council meeting?We will hold a meeting soon. We have wrapped up the meetings of the council at the regional level. Also, we have resolved about 70% of the inter-state disputes.What is the situation in Myanmar and is there pressure on our borders?Yes, there is pressure. We are keeping a close watch and are in constant touch with state governments for assistance. The situation in Myanmar is quite fluid, so I don’t want to comment on this subject any further.How will you rate your first stint as home minister?Look, I am the kind of the person who works hard on whatever is assigned. No work is good or bad for me. I enjoy my work.

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