The pace of recovery is increasing: Niti CEO | Economic Times - Jobs World

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Sunday, November 15, 2020

The pace of recovery is increasing: Niti CEO | Economic Times

All signs indicate that India’s economic turnaround is gathering momentum, Niti Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant told Yogima Seth Sharma and Deepshikha Sikawar in an interview. The minimum output due to the productivity linked incentive (PLI) programme could be about $520 billion in the next five years and the Niti Aayog has begun work on identifying fresh sectors for disinvestment, he said. Edited excerpts: The PLI scheme has been extended to more sectors. Do you think this is enough to attract manufacturing shifting out of China?The PLI schemes will have a huge role to play in achieving size and scale in manufacturing, as these schemes incentivise incremental production. The total budgetary outlay for these schemes is Rs 1.96 lakh crore or $26 billion. On average, 5% of the production value is provided as an incentive. This implies that the minimum production in the country as a result of the PLI schemes stands to be around $520 billion in five years.The PLI schemes must also be seen in conjunction with a host of other government initiatives taken recently--29 central labour laws have been rationalised into four labour codes. The MSME definition has been revised, raising investment limits upwards, enabling MSMEs to get bigger and more productive. The business environment is only getting easier, as we jumped 79 positions in the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Index. Infrastructure investments are continuing in earnest with the Rs 1 lakh crore national infrastructure pipeline. Our corporate tax rates are now on par with the best in the world. With these moves, India has positioned itself as a strong alternative to companies looking to diversify their supply chains. Combined with the potential of our large domestic market, India is poised to take its rightful place in global value chains. The Prime Minister’s AatmaNirbhar initiative will make India both self-reliant and a key driver of global exports. We need an export push for India to grow fast and on a sustained basis.One of the goals is to make domestic industry competitive to lift exports. Does the incentive offset the disadvantages Indian industry faces?Cost disadvantages often accrue from a lack of size and scale. This is where Indian industry has been held back. The PLI schemes will play a decisive role in this regard. By incentivising production, the scheme spurs investment as well. Higher investments will drive efficiencies and quality upgradation, boosting our industry’s competitiveness. The incentives will raise the competitiveness of not just large firms, but also for all firms across the value chain. For example, a car manufacturer will have hundreds of MSME suppliers under tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3 categories. If the OEM (original equipment manufacturer) benefits from the PLI scheme, naturally the orders of its MSME suppliers will also increase. So the benefits of the scheme extend not only to the companies selected under the PLI scheme, but also the myriad suppliers under them. This increase in economic activity spurred by the PLI scheme will then have the knock-on effects of increased investments across the value chain, bringing these sectors into a virtuous investment-led growth cycle.There is a general sense that the economy is recovering faster than expected. Even Moody’s has revised its forecast for India. What is your sense?I am quite confident that we will be able to sustain this recovery in the near future. All signs seem to indicate that the pace of recovery is increasing. The Index of Industrial Production (IIP), which was in contraction for six months, turned positive in September. Manufacturing PMI in October was not just growing, but was at multi-year highs. These trends are likely to persist. This is because, along with fiscal and monetary stimuli, the government introduced reforms which were long demanded. Agriculture has been reformed, commercial coal mining is a reality, labour laws have been rationalised and codified and path-breaking PLI schemes in the manufacturing sector launched. The definition of MSMEs has been revised upwards substantially, which will enhance their capacity to invest further and grow, whilst maintaining the benefits that come with MSME status, such as preferential public procurement. These reforms will sustain growth in the near term particularly as they are accompanied by fiscal and monetary stimuli.The government has rolled out three stimulus packages to boost the economy. One of the criticisms is that they mostly address supply side issues and there isn’t much to boost demand.As we continue to unlock the economy, there are clear signs that the economy is reviving. If the economy is reviving, that means employment is reviving. If employment is rising, then demand will rise as well. Therefore, as a result of the initiatives taken to boost employment, we should see demand rise as well.However, as an immediate term relief to the most vulnerable, an extra Rs 40,000 crore was allocated to the MGNREGA budget. In October, the LTC cash voucher scheme and the special festival advance scheme were announced to boost consumer demand. Government capital expenditure, which carries with it a huge multiplier effect, has also been given a fillip, with Rs 25,000 crore allocated for capital expenditure on roads, defence, water supply, urban development and domestically produced capital equipment. As part of AatmaNirbhar Bharat 3.0, a demand boost for residential real estate has also been given, by raising the cap on the differential between circle rates and agreement value, which will help in clearing unsold inventory, benefiting owners and developers, both.So, there have been targeted interventions to boost demand, along with supply. The focus has always been to ensure the stimulus packages support long-term growth.The government has already announced labour and agriculture reforms and now a manufacturing push. What according to you could be the next big priority areas for the government in the short to medium term?Infrastructure remains a priority area. As part of AatmaNirbhar Bharat 3.0, Rs 6,000 crore equity was infused in the National Investment & Infrastructure Fund. Logistics is an area where India’s competitiveness can be improved. Digitisation of ports would help in reducing our port turnaround times, for instance. States must also take the lead in instituting reforms, particularly in land and labour. At the same time, we must continue our push towards developing competitiveness in sunrise sectors of growth. Electric mobility and battery storage manufacturing is one area. The future of mobility is clean, connected, and shared, and India must be at the forefront of this revolution. There also lies immense potential in healthcare and education. India can emerge as a leader in areas such as food processing, mobile manufacturing, networking products, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and solar photovoltaic system manufacturing. The PLI schemes introduced will go a long way in ensuring India’s competitiveness in these sectors.Above all, India must focus on the application of technology across sectors. Manufacturing is likely to be more and more tech driven, and we must be at the frontiers of this shift. India presents several unique use-case scenarios for technologies such as AI and blockchain. The solutions presented by these technologies in India can then be replicated across the world. India can be a driver in applications of technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain, amongst others.Niti Aayog has started work on a fresh list of central public sector enterprises (CPSEs) for disinvestment. Which sectors and companies could be on the radar?We are working on identifying fresh sectors of potential disinvestment. A lot of work has already happened in this regard. NITI acts as the Disinvestment Commission and has made several recommendations. DIPAM is taking them forward for implementation following due process.With stock markets picking up, will you push for greater urgency on this score?The purpose of disinvestment is to put assets to more efficient use and generate maximum value for the economy as a whole. The success of the disinvestment process will not just depend on which companies are listed for disinvestment and when, but also on easing the business environment. Therefore, whilst capitalising on the value of a company is an important consideration, we must take a longer term view of bringing efficiency and higher productivity in the economy.The government has announced a new scheme to boost employment. What will ensure a boost for job creation in the unorganised sector?As I mentioned earlier, our economic recovery is well underway. As the economy returns to a high growth path, job creation in the informal sector will pick up pace. The aim of the government is also to encourage formalisation of the Indian economy. Formal jobs come with a host of benefits such as written contracts, defined leave and social security. These benefits are not enjoyed by those in the informal and unorganised sector. The labour codes introduced extended the concept of fixed-term employment (FTE) to all sectors, apart from a select few. Importantly, the FTE hires will be entitled to enjoy the same benefits as a regular employee. The scheme announced by the finance minister, the AatmaNirbhar Bharat Rozgar Yojana, supports the creation of new formal jobs as well. Therefore, the focus is not just on job creation, but also formal job creation, that provides a security net to workers.What specific export-driven measures can help India increase its share of global trade?The PLI schemes will no doubt play an important role. States must also take the lead here. They must reform and become easy and simple. Cross-subsidisation of power, whereby higher prices for industry subsidise the prices paid by domestic and agricultural consumers, erodes our competitiveness. Logistics costs must also be brought down to improve competitiveness. At the same time, the private sector must focus on pursuing excellence in quality and driving innovation through application of technology.

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