RoDTEP rates leave exporters disappointed | Economic Times - Jobs World

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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

RoDTEP rates leave exporters disappointed | Economic Times

In a major move aimed at boosting exports and offering relief to exporters, the government on Tuesday notified the Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products (RoDTEP) scheme guidelines and rates.The scheme which had been applicable from January 1, 2021 replaced the Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) after the US had challenged India’s export subsidy programmes in the WTO, claiming them to be violative of the trade body’s norms.The rates of RoDTEP will cover 8555 tariff lines, as per a PIB release. “Export centric industries are being reformed and introduced to better mechanisms so as to increase their competitiveness, boost exports, generate employment and contribute to the overall economy. RoDTEP is one such reform, based on the globally accepted principle that taxes and duties should not be exported, and taxes and levies borne on the exported products should be either exempted or remitted to exporters,” the release stated.The rates for different sectors include 0.5 per cent, 2.5 per cent and 4 per cent.Though exporters had been awaiting clarity on the rates for a long time, the announcement left the fraternity largely disappointed at the turn of events. Not as expectedPuran Dawar, President of Agra Footwear Manufacturers and Exporters Chamber (AFMEC) said that the announcement went against his expectations as the rates allocated were lower. “Leather products such as footwear have been allocated a RoDtep rate of 1.3%, which is not what we anticipated. Based upon Council for Leather Exports data, we had pitched for a minimum rate of 2.5- 2.8%. On the one hand, the government says the taxes can't be exported, and on the other, we get burdened with more tax-related costs.Dawar adds that they would get tax reimbursements through the MEIS scheme, which was 5% previously and later got reduced to 3%. And hence, the current rates are pegged far lower than what they had envisioned.The scheme’s aim is to refund, currently un-refunded duties/ taxes/ levies, at the Central, State & local level, borne on the exported product, including prior stage cumulative indirect taxes on goods & services used in production of the exported product; and such indirect duties/ taxes/ levies in respect of distribution of exported products, as per the Commerce Department.Others in the industry too expressed concern on how a primary raw material like steel had not been included under RoDTEP. “The rates have not taken into account the taxes embedded in raw materials like steel in the engineering products in a large number of cases. This is evident from the fact that the rates of major steel items and products made of steel have not been announced. The rates only partially compensate for the un-rebated taxes, while a huge portion of the taxes on the raw material stage will be exported abroad,” Mahesh Desai, Chairman, Engineering Export Promotion Council (EEPC) stated.Relook ratesThe EEPC India Chairman noted that the engineering goods sector needs full policy support to achieve its target of $107 billion set for FY22. Desai highlighted that many MSMEs exporters like those in castings, fasteners, flanges etc. have not been considered for RoDTEP. "We request the Government to relook at the rates and give full rebate on the taxes that still remain in the export production chain," he said. Addressing the issue of low rates, A Sakthivel, President, FIEO explained that it was a possibility that the rates could be reviewed in the times ahead. “Since the rates are fixed on the basis of the data furnished by the industry, which was also affected due to the pandemic, the rates may be reviewed if the industry furnishes more comprehensive and updated data. Moreover, there is a provision for an annual review of the rates factoring the changes in the taxes and duties,” he added.However, this offered little respite to the exporting community, who felt that these rates would largely make Indian products uncompetitive and hence defeated the purpose. Pankaj Khandelwal, Chairman and Managing Director of INI Farms, an exporter of bananas and pomegranates, said that the rates declared do not take care of the structural disadvantages of duties and taxes implicit in production in India. “It will make Indian products uncompetitive compared to other countries. This will put downward pressure on farm gate prices, which will go against the idea of exports helping Indian farmers,” he stated.Affirming Khandelwal’s view, Vijay Kalantri, Chairman, World Trade Center Mumbai mentioned that the 2-4% rates for exporters of fresh fruits and vegetables are far too low. Besides this, he noted the exclusion of certain sectors from the purview of the scheme. “We wish to raise concern about the exclusion of critical sectors such as pharmaceuticals, organic and inorganic chemicals, iron & steel from this RoDTEP scheme. The government may include these sectors also under the scheme to promote their export competitiveness,” he asserted.The primary purpose of the scheme was essentially to give a boost to Indian exports by offering a level playing field to the domestic industry abroad. Going by that core objective, it is an unaccomplished mission for a sector which has an ambitious target of achieving $1 trillion in exports by 2025.

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