India could save billions by cancelling coal plans | Economic Times - Jobs World

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Thursday, August 19, 2021

India could save billions by cancelling coal plans | Economic Times

Two thirds of the global economy, including several major Asian coal users, including Japan, South Korea and China, have announced net zero ambitions which will require material declines in the use of fossil fuels, especially coal. However, India has yet to commit to a net zero target. According to data from Global Energy Monitor (GEM), since 2010 India has cancelled or retired 590 GW of coal plants. Nevertheless, India has a coal power plant pipeline of almost 60 GW, which represents 15% of the global development pipeline.This is uneconomic and risks shouldering Indian consumers and taxpayers with much of the financial and environmental burden further down the line by linking the grid into higher cost thermal energy and potentially leaving a swathe of unprofitable coal plants to become stranded assets.Carbon Tracker analysis shows that 86% of these new coal power projects will generate a negative value of almost --$40 billion even assuming generous business-as-usual (BAU) timeframes. This rises to 93% and -$54 billion when considering a more climate-constrained scenario, which will see coal plant closures at the latest by 2040 and much earlier than the 40 years many developers assume at project inception. NTPC and Adani Power are particularly exposed to value destruction with an estimated -$16 bn and -$2.4bn at risk, respectively under BAU, based on Carbon Tracker’s scenario modelling in its June 2021 report, ‘Do Not Revive Coal’.Indeed, the fragility of coal economics is highlighted by relatively minor changes to the cost of debt: for every 1% higher debt costs, negative value increases by $3 billion for this project pipeline. Given coal financing is becoming scarce, higher debt costs are not an unreasonable assumption.Capacity (or load) factors of coal plants have been on a declining trend globally, and India is no exception. Carbon Tracker estimates that since 2018, capacity factors for coal plants have on average fallen by 5% across India, with overall coal fleet utilisation at 53% in 2020. Load factors are a key marker of plant profitability -- the less a plant generates, the lower revenues and profits it makes. This is particularly bad for India’s coal fleet which has an average capacity-weighted age of 17 years compared to an expected useful life of 40 years. It is even worse for new coal plants which will have to contend with lower utilisation for longer and run the risk of becoming stranded assets.It is now cheaper to build new renewable energy (RE) in India than it is to build new coal plants. Building new renewables already outcompetes 84% of the operating coal fleet in India. By 2024, renewables will outcompete existing coal in all parts of India. Carbon Tracker estimates that to develop new onshore wind costs $40/MWh and for new solar photovoltaics $37/MWh. This compares favourably to existing coal plants, which have an estimated cost of $41/MWh.The deflationary trend already seen in renewable costs is set to see further declines this decade thanks to scale efficiencies, unlike for coal plants which are heavily exposed to volatile fuel costs. Moreover, delays by coal plant operators in implementing emissions reduction technology, designed to improve India’s poor air quality, will see an initial rise in running costs for plants from 2025 when these are widely expected to be applied. This could account for an increase of up to 13% in costs.Of the total 60 GW pipeline, 23 GW is in the permit or pre-permit stage, which may mean that financing has yet to be secured. Well over half of this amount originates with state-linked companies. The risks and opportunities are clearly framed in terms of financial and environmental outcomes, and it is not too late for India to reset on the right path for a sustainable energy future.India should stop building new coal plants and should instead focus on renewables development and remove obstacles to clean energy growth. Last year, India announced a target build out of 450 GW of renewables by 2030, which will equate to 60% of energy from renewables. This compares to around 80 GW total capacity from wind and solar in 2020, which saw net additions of only 5 GW from 2019.Renewables growth has been slow owing to various challenges, including offtaker risk, a lack of infrastructure and a dearth of financing for new projects. There is some evidence that things are changing at the margin with State Bank of India providing financing of around $4 billion to renewable projects, as well as announcements by private sector companies like Reliance Industries, which will invest $10 billion in clean energy over the next three years.GoI should promote investment in clean energy sources. Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020, India has committed more money to the energy sector than any other major economy. However, of the $136 billion of funds committed more than half is directed to ‘other’ energy, which could find its way to fossil fuel financing, compared to $36 billion earmarked for clean energy.India should take this opportunity to direct more financing to clean energy and away from fossil fuels that contribute to making India’s air the most polluted globally. This will better prepare the country for a sustainable grid, will enable an orderly coal phase out, and will be a lower cost alternative for consumers and tax payers than continuing to subsidise fossil fuels.The writer is founder, Carbon Tracker Initiative

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